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     Karl Rosenberger
 Consulting, individual
Project work & Services


Our offer

Systemic consulting

Project work
Trade fairs
Web service



          < Trade fairs >

Individual capacity = flexibility and profit
Competence, capacity in engineering and more services

Service for your trade fairs  +++ worldwide +++
Your established staff is non-available during the time of your
trade fairs?

You need more qualified manpower for your standcrew?

You want to improve your market position in Scandinavia?
It`s your advantage to have a Swedish talking standcrew !

We offer qualified cooperation and represent your company at the stand of your trade fairs

Languages: German, English, Swedish, French

Karl Rosenberger +++ Your competent partner +++ Tel. +49 (0)8382 99091 info@DienstleistungenRosenberger.de
Consulting, Project management, Industrial engineering, Trade fair service, Web service and more services
Conrad- Forster- Str. 6    D- 88149 Nonnenhorn                                                                                                        © 2010 Karl Rosenberger